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Web Survey Bibliography

Title The antecedents of consumers' loyalty toward Internet Service Providers
Source Information & Management, 41, 6, pp. 685-695
Year 2004
Database ScienceDirect
Access date 17.05.2004
Abstract Internet popularity is growing at an impressive rate. Sooner or later, every consumer comes face to face with the decision of choosing an Internet Service Provider (ISP). This study developed and empirically tested a model examining the antecedents of consumer loyalty toward ISPs. It incorporated the concept of expected technology change into the model to examine its effects on the formation of ISP loyalty intention. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed to examine the reliability and validity of the measurement model, and the structural equation modeling techniques were used to evaluate the casual model. Based on an internet survey in Taiwan, this study showed that perceived value is very important in generating overall customer satisfaction and loyalty intention toward an ISP, and that perceived trust of an ISP enhances perceived value, overall satisfaction, and loyalty intention. However, the study demonstrated that future ISP technology expectancy exerted a negative influence on a consumer’s overall satisfaction and loyalty intention toward their ISP.
Access/Direct link ScienceDirect (full text)
Year of publication2004
Bibliographic typeJournal article

Web survey bibliography (4086)
